Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Almost 2 years later ......

Almost 2 years later ....... after you walked through the door.  Boy, you walked out enough times :-)  And walked right back enough times as well.

So in 2 years, we have had some arguments, we have had some "getting into my little blue car and leaving" and we have had " let's do something fun together".

No shouting in anger, just talking it out.  That is how we have done it, and how we will continue doing it.  At the peak of our "adjusting time", we took a bit of time out, cooled the heels and started again.

2 Magnets, pulled together by forces, and now, love holding us together.  In 2 years, we have moved home, changed jobs, gone through some really yukkie financial oopsies, but yet, we have always recovered, always kept the bond between us strong and solid.

I am the short tempered one, you are the quiet one.  You are the hard headed one, and me?  Sometimes ....... lol.  Why argue over something arbitrary?  It is much easier to let something be, and wait till it sorts itself out.

When me me, I knew, somehow, that together, we would have a quiet, peaceful life together.  A relationship filled with mutual respect, sharing the same values, sharing the same interests.

And I was not wrong, for here we are, still together.  The only difference now, the respect we had, has grown into love.  We have a fulfilling relationship, emotionally and physically.  When people said it will never last, we worked on what we had, and built it into what we wanted.  And very few people have what have, although all want it.

I love you Babe.  You are all and more that I want.  You complete me in all ways.  

Thank you for being the one, for being who you are.  You are amazing, special, the best part of my every day.

Angel Bubbler ..... you are now 5 and started big school.

I wish I could grab the hands of time, and keep them still.  For the days slip by, it seems the world is left behind in the shadows of your movement, almost as if you are growing to fast.

I look at you, and see the absolute joy that only a child can experience when the new day breaks.  I listen to mommy telling me about all the funny little things you do, the new things that are now part of your day.  And it makes an old heart happy, knowing that this little peace of my legacy is growing into an independent little human being, that this small part of what makes me human, is also in this little miracle called Angel Bubbler.

From the time mommy told me she is pregnant, I was overjoyed knowing that such a special little person would be entering our world.  I knew, without a doubt, that you would become the chosen one that the universe hand selected, just for us.

The first four years has gone by in a flurry of things you did, things you said, things you have discovered from the people that shape your life.  The same people that will continue shaping your life for a very long time to come still.

And now, now you are 5, and I am 50.  I look at you my Angel Bubbler, in wonder and total amazement that something so small, so fragile, has such a huge impact on our life, every day in every way.  You are now to small to realize just how important you are, but one day, you will understand, just as you mommy understood when the time was right.

If I could wish for a life for you, I would not wish for money, nor would I wish for beauty.  I would wish that you have abundance happiness in your life, that you love, in abundance, I would wish for health, for a long life for you Angel Bubbler.  I would wish that you never have to feel the pain of a broken heart, neither the hurt of rejection.

But this is unrealistic, for there will be a few that breaks your heart, and maybe a few that will reject you.  It is called life.  You just need to remember, that if the wrong people do not cross your life, how would you ever be able to appreciate the right people, when they enter your circle of life?

I love you with every breath I take my little Angel Bubbler, and I will till the day I stop existing.  And when my time has come, the chain around Ouma's neck, with all the charms that you love so much, will be yours, along with the charm bracelet, which by that time, will be full of  life's little memory charms.  And every time you look at it, and touch it, you will know that your Ouma is there, not in body, but in spirit.

Love you my little baby girl. Just love you.